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Child Attachment &
Play Assessment


Three ways of doing the CAPA training

  • On line in your own time
  • Face to face by zoom
  • Bespoke training delivered in your own agency or venue

You can do module 1 - an introduction to the CAPA. On completion you get a CAPA interviewer certificate.

Or you can take the whole course (Modules 1, 2 & 3) and go for a reliability certificate.

Module 1 on line in your own time

For people who do not want to become reliable coders but do want:

  • an introduction to the CAPA model
  • to be able to give the CAPA to a child
  • to understand codings supplied by a reliable coder
  • to use the results to formulate intervention plans

On completion you send us 2 video examples of you conducting a CAPA with a child. We give you feedback and an interviewer certificate.

You will have life long access to the material (including future updates) in this module.

Cost £100

To register please contact BOTH of us in one e mail: AND We will send you a link which enables you to pay, enter a password and get started.

Next live Zoom training

The training for people wanting to become reliable coders.

TWO courses offering the full CAPA training 2024- 2025 UK time

First course starts September 2024

Trainers: Dr Steve Farnfield; Fan Zhang; Dr Ben Grey. First course starts September 2024 Times and dates: Sept 23 - 25, Nov 4-6, 2024; Jan 20 - 21, 2025 10am - 4 pm

Second course starts March 2025

Times and dates: March 17 - 19, April 28 - 30, June 16 -17, 2025 10am - 4 pm

Teaching format: Online live attendance; teaching sessions will be recorded for attendees’ access only at a later date.

Please keep in mind all the times refer to UK time zone with the applicable daylight saving hour.


You will take module 1 on line in your own time. This is provided as part of the full training. The eight face to face training days cover DMM theory, how to give and code all the DMM-CAPA patterns. A1-8, C1-8, B and A/C. How to identify unresolved loss and trauma, chronic states of high or low arousal (DMM modifiers). The final two days include discussion about report writing and interventions.

In between parts 1 and 2 and between parts 2 and 3 we provide 5 CAPA videos for you to code. After completing part 3 we provide another 10 - 15 videos for you to practice on. You will be provided with a mentor who will give you feedback on all your practice codings and arrange a minimum of two face to face on line small group tutorials.

When you are ready you can take the reliability test. The test is in two parts. 10 CAPAs for which there is limited feedback and 10 for which there is no feedback. To achieve reliability you are asked to get 75% with the agreed codings and show you can code A8 and C4. You can retake the test and if need be do some more practice!

More detailed information on the training will be available soon on a pdf. Please write to us with any queries.

Prerequisites: the CAPA Module 1 online asynchronous training must be completed prior to the start of this course. This is included in the course fee.

Cost: £900 includes the course (eight days plus module 1 on line), your mentor, feedback on weekly assignments, reliability test, manual, handouts and life long access to the training materials including the self directed course (see below).

If you prefer to pay in instalments please ask. If you have already paid for module 1 you get a £100 reduction.

If you have attended the full CAPA training before and would like a refresher, there is a 50% fee reduction. So please state this clearly in your request for registration.

Registration: Please contact Steve at to register and arrange payment.

Online self-directed CAPA training

The training for people who want to become reliable coders and do the course in their time with access to a mentor.

Module 1 - available now, see above.

Modules 2 & 3 Available September 2nd 2024 - That's a promise!

The video lectures cover exactly the same curriculum as the face to face training, above.

DMM theory, how to code all the DMM-CAPA patterns. A1-8, C1-8, B and A/C. How to identify unresolved loss and trauma, chronic states of high or low arousal (DMM modifiers), report writing and interventions.

After module 2 we provide 5 CAPA videos for you to code. After completing part 3 we provide another 10 - 15 videos for you to practice on. You will be provided with a mentor who will give you feedback on all your practice codings and arrange a minimum of two face to face on line small group tutorials.

When you are ready you can take the reliability test. The test is in two parts. 10 CAPAs for which there is limited feedback and 10 for which there is no feedback. To achieve reliability you are asked to get 75% with the agreed codings and show you can code A8 and C4. You can retake the test and if need be do some more practice!

Cost: £650 includes life long access to the course videos, your mentor, feedback on assignments, reliability test, manual and handouts.

If you prefer to pay in instalments please ask. If you have already paid for module 1 you get a £100 reduction.

Registration: Please contact Steve at to register and arrange payment.

Mix and match

You can do module 1 using one of the routes and switch to another form of learning for the next module(s).

Contact: Steve Farnfield


Dr Steve Farnfield

Photo of Doctor Steve Farnfield

Steve is a social worker, play therapist and the CAPA chef de mission. Now semi-retired he was a lecturer at the Universities of Reading and Roehampton - at the latter he was director of the Play Therapy programme and then founded the MSc in DMM based Attachment Studies. He has been a licensed trainer for a variety of DMM assessments and together with Paul Holmes co-edited the 3 volume Routledge Handbooks of Attachment that bring together the DMM and ABCD models between the same covers. The CAPA grew out of his PhD at the Tavistock Clinic and University of East London and represents a career focused on trying to make life better for maltreated and disadvantaged children.

Fan Zhang

Photo of Fan Zhang

Fan is an experienced child and family psychologist with clinical expertise in the attachment and physiological aspects of childhood trauma. She has worked as a researcher and clinician in the NHS, voluntary and private sectors as well as court settings. She has received in-depth training in several DMM informed assessment tools, currently a FRI/IASA Multi-skilled Leadership fellow. Fan is completing a PhD on the utility of the CAPA in assessing trauma in children. Fan is also a lecturer at University of Roehampton.


Dr Ben Grey

Photo of Dr Ben Grey

Ben is a Principal Lecturer for Research on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, and former lead for the Postgraduate programme in Attachment Theory, Research and Practice at the University of Roehampton. He is also co-director of Cambridge Centre for Attachment. He is a social worker and psychologist with who has worked for many years in integrating attachment theory and assessment procedures in work with families in the family court system, and with looked after and adopted children and their carers, and has published widely in this field. He has developed and researched the Meaning of the Child Interview (MotC: a method of understanding parent-child relationships through the way parents speak and think about their child, and teaches on this internationally. Ben has been working with narrative story stems and the CAPA within the context of the child welfare system for 20 years since first meeting Steve Farnfield.